Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Jesus Teaches the Secret of Happiness: The Children of God Storybook Bible- Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu

May 27, 2020 

Have you ever thought of yourself as the hands and feet and arms and eyes and heart of God?  Or, have you ever thought of yourself as a light in the world?  That’s kind of funny, huh?  We are always told that we should just be ourselves.  But this story is telling us that we are the hands and arms and hearts of God! 

We can actually be ourselves AND do the good work of God with our hands and arms and eyes and feet and heart.  And, when the work we do in the world is done in love, that is us doing that good God work.  When we do that work of love and joy and care in the world, that is us letting our light shine, our God light shine!  You are a bright light!  Blessed are you who let your God light shine in the world!

Daily Prayers

In the morning when we wake up: May today bring joy in new ways. Amen.

At mealtimes: Dear God, thank you for health. Thank you for the earth. Thank you for the hands and hearts that made this food. May the earth and your people be healthy. Amen.

Bedtime: Dear God, thank you for resting from the top of my head down to my toes. Your love will be with me even in my sleep. Amen.

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