Saturday, June 13, 2020

Intersection Allies: We Make Room for All. By Chelsea Johnson, LaToya Council, and Carolyn Choi. Illustrations by Ashley Seil Smith

June 13, 2020 

Intersection.  Do you know what that means?  Do you know when you are driving in the car with adults, and your vehicle comes to a stop at a stop sign?  And, there is a road that crosses the road you are on?  That is a kind of intersection.  It’s when two roads cross.  Those two roads have a common crossing. 

It’s kind of the same in the book for today.  People’s lives can have intersections too.  Where two lives can share a common crossing.  For the young people in the book, their intersections have in common all the ways that make them special and different, but small important places they share a common bond.  They are little spots where we can maybe understand each other a little bit.

Let’s think about this for a second.  Let’s say you have to use a wheelchair to get around. You identify as a girl.  And, you have a friend that also uses a wheelchair to get around.  And, you friend is a boy.  Well, you don’t know what it is like to be a boy.  And, he doesn’t know what it’s like to be a girl.  But, you both know what it is like to have to use a wheelchair to get around.  That is an intersection.  You are both different in your own ways.  But, you share a common experience of both needing a wheelchair.  And, you can bond, or get closer through having that experience.

It’s good to see how our lives intersect with others.  It can bring us together and help us all understand one another just a little bit more.  I wonder if you have friends that are different from you, but you share a common bond, or an intersection.

Daily Prayers

In the morning when we wake up: May today bring joy in new ways. Amen.

At mealtimes: Dear God, thank you for health. Thank you for the earth. Thank you for the hands and hearts that made this food. May the earth and your people be healthy. Amen.

Bedtime: Dear God, thank you for resting from the top of my head down to my toes. Your love will be with me even in my sleep. Amen.

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