Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Jesus Calms the Storm: Children of God Storybook Bible, Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu

June 16, 2020 

Sometimes when bad things happen, we might ask, “Why would God do that?”  The easy answer to this question is that God doesn’t make bad things happen.  It’s pretty common to think that because we are taught that God is in control of EVERYTHING!  But, that’s not necessarily true.  Humans have the freedom to follow their will or God’s will.  In our story today, Jesus and the disciples get caught in a storm in the middle of the boat.  Storms happen when they happen, regardless if we are out in a boat or not.  We choose to go out in a boat, and sometimes there’s not great weather.  God didn’t plan for there to be a storm at the exact moment the disciples were out in the middle of the sea.

Sometimes in life, we can experience “storms” too.  Replace the word storm with something hard that happens in life.  God doesn’t make that bad stuff happen like a sick pet or family member, or trouble with a friend, or if we fall and hurt ourselves.  But God will be there with us in our hard times.  God can be a good friend who keeps us calm and centered through the hard stuff.  

Daily Prayers

In the morning when we wake up: May today bring joy in new ways. Amen.

At mealtimes: Dear God, thank you for health. Thank you for the earth. Thank you for the hands and hearts that made this food. May the earth and your people be healthy. Amen.

Bedtime: Dear God, thank you for resting from the top of my head down to my toes. Your love will be with me even in my sleep. Amen.

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