Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Jesus Becomes a Servant: Children of God Storybook Bible, Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu

June 24, 2020 

Do you know what the word “humble” means?  The word humble can mean not being too proud or arrogant.  Or, to not congratulate yourself for doing stuff or to tell everyone how excellent you are.  Now, it’s really good to thinking you are good person, because you are! 

It’s better to show how good of a person you are rather than to say it.  Actions can go a lot further than words.  And, this is one way we can look at the story we are reading today.  When the disciples are arguing over who is better, Jesus starts washing their feet. And, feet back that were SUPER dirty because they wore sandals EVERYWHERE!  Washing feet was one of the yuckiest jobs back then.  Jesus didn’t ask for a thank you.  He just wanted to serve his people.

Have you ever done a good deed secretly?  Like, you did something knowing that you were not going to tell anyone about it?  Some folks call this random acts of kindness.  If you did, what was it that you did? (Don’t say it aloud!  That would be telling!). How did you feel afterward?  Were you tempted to tell someone?  Did you end up telling someone? 

If not, what do you think you could do today?  What random act of kindness could you do today?  Could you do some positive chalk art on the sidewalk?  Do a chore around the house without prompting and in a way that no one would know?  You are invited to try doing a random act of kindness today.  And, you could do one tomorrow too!

Daily Prayers

In the morning when we wake up: May today bring joy in new ways. Amen.

At mealtimes: Dear God, thank you for health. Thank you for the earth. Thank you for the hands and hearts that made this food. May the earth and your people be healthy. Amen.

Bedtime: Dear God, thank you for resting from the top of my head down to my toes. Your love will be with me even in my sleep. Amen.

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